Donating for relief and freedom

Yesterday I was happy giving away a lot of things from this house. There was relief and delight. I was very happy Mrs Thin took most of my Dhamma books and Dhamma talks on CD ROM. She will pass them to people in her network, including Mr Grahame White who may use some and pass others to the libraries of various NSW Buddhist centres. I shall send the Thai language books to a friend in Melbourne. Later in the day Mr Saw Nyo, his wife and two young men came with a trailer and took 2 single beds, 3 mattresses, a 6 place wooden dining table, 2 tall boys (drawers), 3 book shelves, and 2 large pieces of wood that will be used to make soft beds firm. I also gave them some power tools, spanners, sheets, cups, an ironing board, an iron and other small items. They will take most of these items to the Narrabundah Buddhist Temple at Goyder Street Narrabundah. Mrs Saw Nyo told me the Abbot would use the table and the beds would be placed in kutis for meditating yogis to use when on retreats. Later someone came around to help me move the very old and decrepit sofa beds, fridge and washing machine to the skip outside.

This house is very untidy now. Mrs Thin is letting me use her car today so I may deliver many boxes of books to Life Line, clothes to charities and other items to the recycling centre.

Tomorrow the last pieces of furniture will be taken. This PC, printer, desk, office chairs, bed linen and mortar and pestle will be taken by my children. The queen size bed, microwave and other items will be taken by Mrs Beidar.

I will then clean the house and make it ready for the final inspection. Last night I spoke with Mum on the phone and told her that I hoped I never would accumulate these kinds of house possessions again in this life. If I don’t ordain to be a Buddhist monk, may I live a simple life with as few possessions as possible.

When I reflect on these donations I feel happy because most of the things will be put to good use by worthy people. I also feel relief that I don’t have to carry them any more. I don’t have to protect them from theives or take care of them. A bit less burden in this life and bit more freedom…